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BlueTag T10 Bluetooth Temperature Data Logger
BlueTag TH10 Bluetooth Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
BlueTag TH20 Bluetooth Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
BlueTag TH30 Bluetooth Temperature and Humidity Data Logger
BlueTag T100/TH100 Bluetooth Temperature Humidity Data Logger
Fresh Tracker 1 for Location, Temperature and Humidity Monitoring
Fresh Tracker 10 (Single Use) with Optional External Probe
Supply Chain and Other Large Area Storage Real Time Temperature Monitoring
Coldroom and Other Small Area Storage Real Time Temperature Monitoring
Freezer, Refrigerator, Lab etc Real Time Temperature Monitoring
Freezer, Refrigerator Temperature Trace and Review By Bluetooth
Cold Chain Transportation Real Time Temperature, Humidity and Location Monitoring
Cold Chain Logistics Process Temperature Monitoring by Gateway
Cold Chain Logistics Process Temperature Check and Review By Bluetooth